The world's first lab-made native bee propolis.

Accelerating Sustainable Pollination.

Available June 2022

Our lab-made propolis is launching at the Australian Native Bee Association Conference in June 2022. Shoot through your email and I will let you know when our stock is online. 👇

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    Lab-made propolis helps stops disease

    What is native bee propolis?

    Propolis is essential to the health of native bee hives. It contains a rich mix of native resins, waxes, and essential oils. Australian native bees make it in very small quantities and use it for constructing honey pots, pollen pots, and internal hive structures.

    Beekeepers value this rare product for its many uses in hive duplication. Coating the inside of new hives in propolis and providing propolis for entrance tunnel kick starts the defences. Strong hives need propolis.

    What's the problem with using propolis?

    Until now the only way to harvest propolis is from a donor hive. This is potentially harmful and creates the risk of spreading pathogens like Shanks Brood Disease. There has to be a better way.

    Why lab-made propolis?

    Plenty of advantages, it avoids cross contamination between hives, it is sustainable, 100% natural, and does not result in the destructive harvesting.


    How do I use it?

    At room temperature it will be firm. It can be warmed and reworked by hand or a quick blast of a hairdrier. Do not microwave or bake in an oven. Once soft you can easily form into an entrance tunnel for a new hive or use as an internal hive coating.

    What’s in it?

    We’ve experimented with +100 different formulations to settle on a proprietary blend of pasteurised organic beeswax (Apis Melliferra) and natural ingredients. We don’t add any artificial chemicals or nasty preservatives (we’re a bit fussy like that).

    Do the bees actually use it?

    Yes! It’s been formulated for acceptance by tetragonula species. These species have even been observed collecting blu-tack, wet paint, sticky tape, and perished rubber as a source of propolis. Why not opt for something 100% natural?

    Is it safe for humans?

    All ingredients are non-toxic and 100% natural. If concerned we recommend using disposable gloves or spot testing on a small area of skin. If irritation occurs, cease use and contact a health practitioner.

    How long does it last?

    Sam’s propolis will be reshaped and resued by the colony. Note that it will naturally harden with time, like natural propolis. This is perfectly normal (in fact it was engineered to do so). Pretty neat.

    How do I store it?

    Keep it airtight and sealed in a cool, dark place away from temperature fluctuations and air. When exposed to air it will slowly start to harden. Best to get it into your hive within 6 months of purchase.

    Wholesale or stocklist inquiries

    We're happy to talk about larger orders, wholesale, or stocklist opportunities.